
Archive for March 4th, 2011

Have you taken your Valium today?  If you’re loaded up on a nice, relaxing sedative, then I think you’re ready to see Brent McKim’s moldy website which details all of the grand things he has done for grown-ups. If you want to see all of the great things he’s done for children, look elsewhere.

And good luck with that.

Click here to see the website.  Here’s the URL just in case the link doesn’t work:

I have a feeling the website will get pulled down shortly so I saved all of the pages as PDFs.  You will be able to find all of them at the end of this post.

Here’s a goodie for you from McKim’s website:

“Putting teachers first means being dedicated to protecting and enhancing our contract.  As JCTA President I will do everything possible to bargain the best salary, benefits, and working conditions for our members.”

Oooh, here’s a good one to let you know how hard McKim can stick it to the taxpayers:

During the 1998 contract negotiations, the salary schedule was Brent’s area of responsibility.  The resulting 4-year agreement included more than a 20% raise.  With step increases a typical teacher’s salary increased almost 40%.

And here’s more – whew! – when did this guy find time to teach?

  • This is Brent’s third term as JCTA Vice President.  He has served four years with Laura Kirchner, and prior to that with Diane Price. Brent has been a member of every JCTA committee.
  • During the past four years, Laura and Brent have been the only JCPS teachers to serve as registered legislative lobbyists in Frankfort.

In case you haven’t heard, JCPS’s curriculum does not include an emphasis on spelling.  The logic is that computers have spell-check so you don’t need to have great spelling skills.  Microsoft Word will take care of that confusing “i before e except after c” mumbo-jumbo.  Instruction in cursive has been ditched at most schools, too.  You probably read about that in the Crapola-Journal a few months ago.   Who needs to write in cursive?  Everyone uses a computer now!  Penmanship was ditched years ago.  If your kid’s handwriting looks like chicken-scratch, no biggie.  Just do the best you can, Junior.  Given all of that, McKim says kids should do even less because teachers have enough to do, for God’s sake:

Less Paperwork & Testing – All JCPS educators, but particularly elementary and special education teachers, are overburdened with redundant and often pointless paperwork and testing. If the school district truly cares about “what’s good for kids,” they must get out of the way and let our teachers teach!

This is the one of the best quotes from his website:

Brent will be accountable as president.  He is in the middle of his career and has neither the intention nor coursework to become an administrator, so he knows that when he finishes his term as president he will be returning to the classroom where he will have to abide by every agreement he has reached with the district.

Did you catch that?  As JCTA president, he’s not in the classroom.  It’s right there on a website that McKim created.  At the bottom of his homepage he wrote, “This site was designed and created entirely by Brent McKim using Macromedia Dreamweaver and Adobe Photoshop based on advice from the Committee to Elect Brent McKim.” So he can’t go around blaming some web site designer for a line that spells it out: The JCTA president is not a teacher.

McKim wrote it, McKim owns it.

Here’s the story on WAVE-3’s website that spells out McKim masquerading as a TEACHER so he can have a spot as an active TEACHER on the JCPS superintendent search committee: Questions raised on McKim’s involvement in superintendent search. Ugh!  It’s so aggravating to hear another story about McKim playing it fast and loose with JCPS-related protocol.

Take a look at the JCTA contract that spells out a teacher’s responsibilities.  Click here to view the 2005-2010 JCTA/JCBE Agreement.

When does McKim work early or late duty at school?

At which school is he employed?

When does he take his 50-minute planning period?

How many parents came to McKim’s parent-teacher conferences a couple of weeks ago?  If he’s a teacher, he had conferences, right?

If he’s a teacher, why doesn’t his $97,045 salary appear on the Jefferson County Public Schools Teacher Salary Schedule?  Teacher salaries don’t exceed $76,393.   If McKim is a teacher, his salary should appear on the schedule.  Well, it doesn’t because he isn’t.

Why is his school/department  listed as Memorandum of Agreement on the government salary database?  Why isn’t his school flat-out  listed as a school?   Could it be because he isn’t employed as a teacher?

We all know he’s not a teacher.  Will the Attorney General’s office figure it out, too?

I’m not holding my breath on this one.

If you think the teachers union’s actions are corrupt/illegal please share this blog post with Kentucky’s Office of the Attorney General.  Click “Share” below to send the blog post to attorney.general@ag.ky.gov.


This is from www.courier-journal.com/pay:



Brent4JCTA website as PDFs:

Brent4JCTA – Home
Brent4JCTA – Testimonials
Brent4JCTA – Bargaining
Brent4JCTA – Dependability
Brent4JCTA – Organization
Brent4JCTA – Issues – Vision
Brent4JCTA – Issues – Membership
Brent4JCTA – Leadership
Brent4JCTA – Experience


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